HR Jess offers professional planning advice to clients who have countryside land holdings or sites and need to know what planning opportunities or limitations the PPS 21 imposes on their plans.
We work with you to identify how best to maximise the development potential of your land. We use our detailed knowledge of the policy guidelines and existing precedent to ensure that our designs meet the application requirements to speed up the planning process.
Dwellings on a farm
Infill Gap Sites
#2An exception will be permitted for the development of a small gap site sufficient only to accommodate up to a maximum of two houses within an otherwise substantial and continuously built up frontage and provided this respects the existing development pattern along the frontage in terms of size, scale, siting and plot size and meets other planning and environmental requirements.
For the purpose of this policy the definition of a substantial and built up frontage includes a line of 3 or more buildings along a road frontage without accompanying development to the rear.
In certain circumstances it may also be acceptable to consider the infilling of such a small gap site with an appropriate economic development proposal including light industry where this is of a scale in keeping with adjoining development, is of a high standard of design, would not impact adversely on the amenities of neighbouring residents and meets other planning and environmental requirements.
New Dwelling in Existing Clusters
Conversion And Reuse of Existing Buildings
#4Such proposals will be required to be of a high design quality and to meet all of the following criteria:
Development in the Rural Communities
Replacement Dwellings
#6Favourable consideration will be given to the replacement of a redundant non-residential building where the proposed redevelopment would bring significant environmental benefits, providing the building is not listed or contributes significantly to the heritage, appearance or character of the locality.
In the case of a building being recently destroyed, e.g. through accident or fire, planning permission may be granted for a replacement building.
The replacement of existing dwellings is an important factor in the regeneration of the countryside and the development and renewal of rural housing.
Building on tradition (Planning NI)