

Breaches of Planning/Enforcement Notices
If you receive an Enforcement Notice informing you of a breach of Planning Conditions from the DOE Planners, then we will liaise with you and the department to resolve the situation.

We offer speedy free advice on the necessary steps to take to avoid serious action being taken against you. We have many years experience in dealing with both residential and commercial situations.

Planning Advice, Application History Reviews & Appeals
If you are interested in a property with a dubious planning history or have a general query with regard to any historical development on a site then we can provide the case history information of previous applications submitted and their success or failure at the time.

Change of Use & Retrospective Application
If you have any situation where you require to change the use of building from one purpose to another then you will require a planning permission application to be submitted. For example, this could be a change from a retail shop unit to a fast food outlet, or to change a residential building for use as a commercial business. We can help you through the process as well as prepare all the necessary paperwork and drawings to gain your planning permission approval.

Work may have been undertaken on a property some time previously which was carried out without the benefit of planning permission and now needs to be rectified. We can provide advice and action in order to submit the correct information in order to achieve a retrospective planning approval.

Removal of Conditions – Occupancy/Farm Clauses/Restriction
A property such as a dwelling on a farm may have a restrictive clause stating that its occupancy is only for a person involved in agriculture, or a dwelling may have been granted under other grounds such as hardship or medical conditions again restricting the occupancy of the property. This can cause problems especially in the event of the property requiring to be sold. We can submit an application and liaise with the DOE planners in order to have the occupancy restriction removed to allow the sale of the property on the open market.

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